One Direction Finland
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LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D

2 posters

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1LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Pe 27 Tammi 2012 - 4:52



Tein kaikille pojille nyt tällaisen tervehdys palstan johon voit lähettää omat terveiset kullekkin pojalle ja hauskimmat/parhaimmat lisään kirjaan Smile
Tämä on Zaynin oma osasto. Voit lähettää yleis tervehdyksen Zaynille, mutta mieluusti otan leikekirjaan kaikista omaperäisimmät tervehdykset ja huomiot. Tervehdykset voi jättää ihan tänne alle ettei sähköpostini kuormitu kuvien ja piirrustuksien lisäksi tervehdyksilläkin Very Happy Teksti voi olla lyhyt tai pitkä sillä ei ole mitään merkitystä koska molempia tarvitaan kirjaan Smile

Oletko esim.

huomannut jonkun Zaynin hauskan tavan, mitä se toistaa kokoajan huomaamatta, tai onko sinulla hauska lausahdus liittyen Zayniin ? Oletko joskus nähnyt järjetöntä unta kyseisestä pystytukasta ? Tai onko joku Zaynin tapa tullut omaksi tavaksesi ? Wink

P.S. Pistäthän tekstisi perään jonkun jolla sinut tunnistaa (esim. twitter-nimen, etunimesi, kutsumanimesi tai jonkun hauskan nimimerkin Smile )

2LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty Vs: LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D La 4 Helmi 2012 - 9:22



Dear Zayn ♥️
You are a lovely person. Your personality, voice, look, style, hair... Everything is perfect. I know you hear this so much, but it's true. You are amazayn.
I think that I can't say that I love you, because I have not even seen you. But what I have noticed on videos and else, is that you are so wonderful that words can't say it. Your and the boys' videos have cheered me up often when I have felt unhappy.
I hope that you come to Finland soon! xx

Love, @millaheart1D xxx

ps. mahdolliset kielioppivirheet tms. saa korjata jos sellaisia löytää Smile

3LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty Vs: LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D La 4 Helmi 2012 - 23:32



militsii kirjoitti:Dear Zayn ♥️
You are a lovely person. Your personality, voice, look, style, hair... Everything is perfect. I know you hear this so much, but it's true. You are amazayn.
I think that I can't say that I love you, because I have not even seen you. But what I have noticed on videos and else, is that you are so wonderful that words can't say it. Your and the boys' videos have cheered me up often when I have felt unhappy.
I hope that you come to Finland soon! xx

Love, @millaheart1D xxx

ps. mahdolliset kielioppivirheet tms. saa korjata jos sellaisia löytää Smile

Ihana! (--:

4LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty Vs: LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Ti 7 Helmi 2012 - 10:20



Lovely Zayn, I just wanna tell, that my heart melt everytime when you say: "VAS HAPPENIN". So, plz. If, and when you guys come to Finland can you say "VAS HAPPENIN" in the stage? And I wanna say, that even if I love all of you guys, my eyes stopped specifically you when I first saw your videos. And when I first time heard when you sing I knew that I woud come to be a Directioner for a rest of my life.

♥️: Meeri, One of Directioners in Finland

> Jos kirjotin jotain väärin niin saa sit korjailla noita:DD En meinaan omista kauheen mahtavaa enkkupäätä Embarassed

5LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty Vs: LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Ma 27 Helmi 2012 - 12:09



Dear Zayn, I just adore you. That accent you have, it's just so adorable! (: Your hair is perfect. Im not wondering why you look at yourself in the mirror so often.. Very Happy When you guys come to Finland, I hope you guys will give autographs and take pictures with us. I love you 'cause you guys make me feel beautiful and unique when I listen to your songs. Very Happy And I hope that when you come to Finland, you will spend little time in Helsinki, because it would be awesome to.. you know, like see you guys in there and talk to ya Very Happy Me and couple of my friends love you and other boys too! (: I know that many people say that to you, but still YOU ARE AMAZAYN PERSON, don't ever change. I was really, really sad one day, and then just watching One Direction video made me feel a lot better. I was laughing, because you guys laugh. You always make me smile. Just wanted to tell ya that. Words can't tell how much I care about you. I may be just a fan for you, but still. Hope we see eachother soon.. (:
XOXO Lot's of Love from Finland, @JaninaLuvs1D

6LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Empty Vs: LEIKEKIRJA = Zaynin terveiset :D Ti 28 Helmi 2012 - 6:03




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